Hot Water Timers

Safety and Code Compliance

Hot Water Timers

Saving money doesn’t always cost a lot!

Using a timer to turn off your Hot Water Tank (HWT) during the day when most people are at away at work saves energy without negatively impacting your lifestyle. A hot water timer is specifically design to give more than the same 24 hour cycle everyday. Hot water usage is different on the weekends and the time of use periods are also different, so a different cycle pattern is available for different days. The amount of energy saved by heating your tank only in ‘off’ hours determines how quickly the cost of the timer and installation is paid back in savings.


  • Savings
    • By not using power to maintain the set water temperature when there is little or no usage as well as heating the majority of your water during off-peak times, many people claim to save over $20 a month.
  • Low Effort
    • This is a small project and can be installed quickly by a trained electrician.
  • Fast Payback
    • Based on a savings of $20 a month, the cost of the project would be under 2 years.
  • Plus
    • Under certain conditions the timer can extend the life of your HWT.

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